Welcome to Fransalian School of Excellence
These Terms and Conditions are applicable for all the students / parents / guardians applying for admission in Fransalian School of Excellence, Aurangabad. Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully.
Admission open for Class - I,II,III,V,VII,VIII for the Academic Year 2025 - 2026. Those who wish to register the names of their ward/s can do so from 2nd December-2024 till the vacancies are filled thereafter the online registration will be closed. Fill in the form online & take a printout & submit to the school office along with the documents / records required (mentioned below) between 2nd December 2024 to 15th January 2025 (Submission time 9:00am to 11.30am).
N.B: No Forms will be accepted after 15th January 2025
Definitions :
1. The School – Fransalian School of Excellence, Aurangabad, affiliated to the CBSE Board. CBSE Affiliation No.: 1131212 School Code: 31199
2. The Student – The person who has taken admission for studying their academic programme at FSE (Fransalian School of Excellence).
3. Fee Payer – Person responsible for the payment of fees. Hereafter the ‘Fee Payer’ may be the parent, guardian or their designated Agent acting on their behalf.
4. Parent – All-natural Guardians, whether they are married or not, divorced, any person who, although not a natural parent, has parental responsibility for a child or young person or any person who, although not a natural parent, has care of a child or young person (having care of a child or young person means that the child lives with and is looked after by that person, irrespective of what their relationship is).
5. Guardian - A person who has been appointed by a judge to take care of a minor child personally and/or manages that person’s affairs.
6. Carer – Someone who cares for a child under 18 years of age.
7. Agent – The person or organization that the Parent, Guardian, Carer or Student has entered into a contract with directly for the provision of services relating to educational choices advisory.
Please read these conditions carefully and make sure that you have read and understood all of these conditions and confirm that you accept these conditions when you sign / submit the registration form.
1. Parents seeking admission for their children to the Fransalian School of Excellence, Aurangabad must please note carefully, the PRE-ADMISSION FORMALITIES.
2. Admission to Any Class will depend on vacancies and will be done at the beginning of the academic year.
3. The child to be admitted should complete 6 years for “Class I" on 31st December of the year of admission.
Class | Age |
Nursery | 3+ |
LKG | 4+ |
UKG | 5+ |
I | 6+ |
4. The age criteria for admission is to be followed very strictly as per the rules and guidelines laid down by the board and department. Children who fall under this age criteria only are eligible to seek admission to Nursery, LKG, UKG and Class I.
5. Prescribed online forms, which are to be duly filled in by parents giving details about initial eligibility of the child for application for admission to the School to be submitted online and print out to be taken of the same and submitted to the school office.
6. Parents who find hard / difficult to do Online Admission Formalities are to collect the form from the school office by paying Rs. 100/- only.
7. The required information should be entered legibly and readably in the form.
8. Incomplete forms & forms with wrong information or illegible entries will be rejected at the time of submission / even after submission.
9. Admission will be granted as per the vacancies available.
10. Bringing recommendation for admission is strongly discouraged. It is not accepted.
11. Being a Private, Unaided, Minority School, the head of the institution reserves the full right to accept or reject any application without citing the reason for his/her action.
12. The Following Documents / Records to be submitted along with the Registration Form are:
i. Photostat of Birth Certificate from Municipality / Gram Panchayat (self- attested).
ii. Photostat of Caste certificate (of father) (self-attested).
iii. Two recent passport size colour photographs of the child / candidate.
iv. An affidavit by the guardian, in case the child is under the custody of a guardian and not parents, explaining his/her relationship and reasons for his/her guardianship.
v. Photostat of Baptism Certificate duly attested by the Parish Priest / Pastor of the church, in case the candidate is a Christian.
vi. Photostat of Aadhar Card of child (self-attested)
vii. Photostat of Aadhar Card and PAN Card of both parent (self-attested)
viii. Rs.500/- as Online / Offline Registration Fee.
ix. Original TC with student ID No. 19 digits is mandatory, seeking admission for classes II-IX.
13. Rs.500/- as Online / Offline Registration Fee will be charged. The amount of fees received along with the application form is non- refundable. The payment at the time of registration does not in any way confirm the seat in the said choice by student. Hence confirm your interest before Registration. It is strictly Non-Refundable.
14. No change in the child's Date of Birth will be accepted at a later stage.
15. If two applications are submitted for one and the same child, both will be rejected.
16. It must be noted that since an equal number of boys and girls to be admitted, it is not possible to admit all the applicants who are interacted / diagnostic test taken.
17. Admission to any class is entirely at the discretion of the management and is strictly on the basis of merit.
18. Admission obtained submitting false documents, birth dates, and addresses etc. will be cancelled even at a later stage.
19. It is imperative that the admitted children be provided with the prescribed school uniform, books and stationery before the session begins.
20. The parents are expected to make necessary arrangements for transport of children to and fro from School and it will be sole responsibility of the parent / guardian.
21. The school does not provide with any of the food facility, Tiffin should be send with your child.
22. The school timing is: I to X – 7.25a.m. to 1.55p.m.
23. The School enables Students/Parents to apply for the admission through website portal www.fransalianschool.com
24. Procedure as follows:
Option-1 :
Go to Google - type :- www.fransalianschool.com
Click on Fransalian School of Excellence
Click on Admission 2025-26
Read the Prospectus
Read the Terms and Conditions for Online Pre-Admission Formalities
Fill the Form Completely and save it.
Pay Registration fees of Rs.500/-.Take the print of the Reg. Form and receipt of Rs.500/- and submit to the school office with the necessary documents.
The school will not provide the copies of the same.
The school shall not be responsible, if the payment is refused or declined by the credit / debit card supplier for any reason. The School does not warranty the availability of online payment system every time.
Parents are to bear the ‘Bank Charges’ for the online payment service.
Option-2 :
Collect the Registration Form from School Office.
Submit the form fulfilling all necessary requirements. (Fees and Documents)
Last Date for the submission is 15.01.2025
Admission will be granted as per the vacancies available.
Mere submission of the Registration Forms / Selection of candidates does not guarantee admission.
The amount of fees received along with the application form (Rs. 500/-) is non-refundable.
The payment at the time of registration does not in any way confirm the seat in the said choice by student.
25. Fransalian School of Excellence, Aurangabad, reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.
26. You will be deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions by authorizing a payment (Registration Fee Rs. 500) through the online payment service or offline.
27. You should therefore re-read the Terms and Conditions each time that this service is used.
28. It is the sole responsibility of the user of this service to ensure that the information entered in the relevant fields is correct.
29. It is recommended that you take and retain a copy of the transaction for record keeping purposes, and to assist with the resolution of any disputes that may arise from use of this service. The school will not provide the copies of the same.
30. No Refund request is entertained.
31. If a parent withdraws his / her ward’ admission in the middle of the academic year, the parent/guardian is to clear all dues before applying for the TC.
32. The school reserves the right to modify and amend refund policies at any time.
33. Admission will be confirmed only upon payment of the full year's fee.
34. After the reminder, in cases of extreme or repeated failure to make fee payment by the due date, the student may be prevented from sitting examinations or the results of examinations or other information may be withheld where fees remain unpaid in whole or in part.
35. Even in case of natural calamity/disaster or Act of God, if the school continues to conduct online/ virtual classes or through any other mode, the Fee Payer should appreciate the same and pay the fees regularly to avoid inconvenience to the student’s academic year.
36. The school does not accept responsibility or liability whatsoever, including liability through the acts, omissions or negligence of its employees, agents or assignees for the student’s personal property.
37. Any damage to the school property by the students, the student is responsible to pay or repair the same.
38. By enrolling with the School, the Student, Parents, Guardians or Carers for the student, and the Fee Payer, consent to the reasonable use of the student’s details and academic achievements, including images or recordings of the student howsoever made, for promotional purposes.
39. Any information provided to the School may be held on computer and shall be used by the school in accordance with its data protection registration and the data protection principles.
40. Parents and students also agree that the school may administer any non-prescription medication or first aid as is deemed appropriate when required.
41. The Parents, Guardians or Carers of the student are to give their consent to the student and to the school participating in all School trips and off-site activities (outside the school premises) and for the same the students will be charged separately.
42. Once the Admission if Confirmed / Not Confirmed, any payments done will not be refunded in any case.
43. Withdrawal application should be submitted in the Office by 1st March, i.e. one month prior to the next academic year.
44. In-case of withdrawal in between the academic year will be chargeable as per the Withdrawal Application given.
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